We are qualified Australia Education Agents, specialising in helping you with obtaining Australia Education.
Kingsbridge Education, a division of Kingsbridge Australia, is focused on giving you with the best pathways to study in Australia and increase your chance of enrolling with an Australia education provider.
Start Your Australia Education Today!
Kingsbridge Education will help you find the best option to study Australia University, study Australia Foundation Courses, or study Australia English Courses, and help you enrol with the best Australian education provider.
Let us help you start your Australia education today from wherever you are.
We specialise in:
- Helping you qualify for the entrance requirements;
- Getting offer for you from best Australian education provider; and,
- Applying for your student visa.
Our consultants are experienced and Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (QEACs).

Empowering you with Study & Migration pathways to achieve your goals
Explore Education Pathway

Benefits of using Kingsbridge
Studying in Australia as an international student can be very costly if you make a wrong decision. We want you to succeed and complete your studies in Australia.
With our proven records, we have built a good reputation and strong relationships with our Australia education partners.
Benefits of using our personalised service include:
- Saving money - finding the most suitable Australia education course and most cost-effective way to obtain degree from Australia education institution.
- Fast-tracking and completing your studies in Australia.
- Increasing your chance of obtaining Australia student visa

Market Responsiveness


Our latest news & articles
Hard to Find Migration Options in Sydney and Melbourne?

Things You Need To Know About the (GTE) Requirement

A complete guide to Australia Student Visa

Key tips to help you choose the right course
Professional Consultants

We offer a personal service tailored to your needs
Access world-ckass education when you study in Australia include:
Personal Safety and Security
Reputation of Australian Education System
Quality of Teaching
Over 90% international student satisfaction with living in Australia